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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  August 21, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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these kids today with their perfect grades and their text messaging and their extremely mild cursing. if there is our future, nobody's goi -- we're all going to hell in a hand basket. doh, i said it again too. that's all. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. congressman todd akin and the man who said this. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. >> romney says he should quit but akin says he's going nowhere. will that hurt the romney/ryan ticket? just days before the republican convention? top democrat debby wasser man shultz has her say. plus, gloria allred. she says akin is a national disgras. on the other side, a woman who says she's living proof that an abortion is the worst thing that can happen to a rape victim.
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the economy, the middle east, america's place in the world. i'll put all of that to one of my favorite guests, "the new york times's" tom freeman. also, all-american comic jeff folks in wor fox worthy get serious on faith and family. >> unless somebody steps up and does sothing. >> this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. our big story tonight, congressman todd akin. he left me talking to an empty chair last night when he dropped out of our scheduled interview. tonight, he's decided drop out is a bad idea. at least when it comes to his senate race against missouri's claire mccaskill. saying, his fellow missourians urged him to step aside. i think he should accept their counsel and exit the senate race. the congressman has refused to back down. now it appears he's in the race for good or for bad depending on your viewpoint.
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when he talked to dana lash on the radio show this afternoon, he actually sounded surprised about the uproar over his comments. >> basically i misspoke one word in one sentence in one day and everything changed overnight. >> yeah, but what a hell of a sentence it was. now, you've heard what the politicians have to say. here now, more on our big story. two women we aith very strong personal feelings on the questions surrounding rape and abortion. rebecca keesling was conceived from a rape. and attorney gloria allred is a rape survivor who became pregnant and had an abortion. welcome to you both. it's also an issue that i believe fundamentally should be debated the loudest by women. that's why i'm glad that you're both on the show tonight. i know that you both have different views and you both come at this the from very different personal stories. gloria, let me start with you. because you were raped. and you had an abortion. when you heard todd akin's
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comments, what was your reaction? >> well, both that what he said was actually inaccurate and also very dangerous. because he is suggesting or was suggesting that a woman who is raped can't get pregnant. and in addition that his record is that rape should not be legally available and safe. i had an abortion after having been raped and become pregnant. i had it when it was illegal for a doctor to perform it. as a result of it's being illegal and unsafe, i almost died because i had an infection. i hemorrhaged. i ended up having to go to the hospital. my life was saved. my point is this. we cannot go back to those days. many women died or were maimed by illegal abortions. that is why what he did was
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very, very dangerous. >> how would you have felt if you had been compelled to have that baby by the rapist who raped you? >> that is the key point. no one should have that choice except for me it it should be a woman who is trusted. a rape survivor who is trusted with the choice of whether to carry the pregnancy to term or whether or not to have an abortion. no politician sitting in washington. whether it's representative akin or anyone else. should make that choice for me. and no person, as strongly as they may believe in their religious beliefs, should make that choice for me. i have the right to make that choice. >> rebecca, let me turn to you. your nother was raped. she gave birth to you. tell me a little bit about that and why that has formed your view, which is that all abortion is wrong. >> my birth mother was abducted at knife point by a serial rapi rapist. she went to two back alley
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abortionists. i was almost aborted. but i was legally protected here in michigan at the time. abortion was illegal even in cases of rape. and so my birth mother was forced to carry me by law. and i owe my life to pro-life advocates legislators who saw that mine was a life worth saving. and now today my birth mother and i are both thankful. >> i totally respect and understand your position. but explain to me why if you're a woman in america, 30,000-plus women in america are raped and impregnanted by the rapist. explain to me why they should not have the right as a woman to decide what ppens to that baby. because i can't think of anything worse for a woman who is rain raped than being compely the lauf tw of the country to c and to bear and bring up the
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child of the rapist that you despise. >> i understand you care about women and you have compassion for rape victims. i understand you feel that in order to show compassion that you have to support abortion in such a case. but i believe that that's based upon three fallacies. and one is that most rape victims would want an abortion. and that's not true. they actually choose abortion at half the rate of your average unplanned pregnancy. which is over 50% abort in the united states. rape victims, it's between 15% to 25% who abort. most people think that 90%, 95% of rape victims would want an abortion and that's not true. i think it's very telling because the truth is -- >> let me -- gloria wants to jump in here. >> i just want to say these statistics are kind of mind-numbing. i think the point though is the point you raised earlier, piers, which is what she's really advocating is mandatory motherhood. compulsory pregnancy.
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that women should be forced to, if they become pregnant, take that pregnancy to term and give birth. i don't believe that the government should force women into that situation. i have no doubt that she's well intentioned. i'm sure that others who believe in forcing women to continue pregnancies are well intentioned. but that doesn't mean they have the right to force me to do what they wish me to do. and this is much bigger than representative akin. it's bigger than rebecca out there. it's part of the gop platform. that there should not even be an exception for rape and incest for abortion. and so this is very, very serious. i don't want anyone to go back to the days when abortion was illegal. and when women like me almost died because we couldn't get safe and legal abortions. >> yeah, i mean, rebecca, this is the key thing for me with this. it's not a disrespect to you and
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your position it. i totally understand why you uld feel the way you do. particularly we're talking about what happens in america here. they get raped and impregnanted and they are desperate, desperate not to have a rapist's baby. on any human level, shouldn't they just have a basic right in that situation to make that decision for themselves? isn't that what a modern america should stand for? >> you know, modern america has said, according to the supreme court, that it is cruel and unusual punishment to give the death penalty for rapists. even for child molesters. the supreme court has said that they did not deserve the death penalty. i don't believe that i or any other child similarly situated deserve a death penalty for the crimes of our fathers. i believe this is -- >> this isn't -- it's only the death penalty -- yeah, it's only the death penalty if you think
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that an embryo should have more rights than an adult woman. and if you consider an embryo a human life. or i mean a fertilized egg. i know there are people like congressman ryan who literally have supported making an embryo a person as a matter of law. considering that as a matter of law. i personally don't think a fertilized egg should have more rights than an adult woman. and that's what i believe. by the way, a lot of -- women who are rape victims, it's not that they detest the fetus. that's nots no ca s nnecessaril reason. there may be lots of reasons. there may be emotional reasons. there may be economic reasons. it may not be something that is going to work in their lives at that time. they may care very much about being able to support a child, to love a child, to nurture a child, to make sure the child has everything the child needs. they may feel at that point in their life they can't do that. >> rebecca, i will give you the last word here -- >> gloria, i -- >> wait a minute, rebecca, let
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me just say, i would have total respect for any woman who is raped who believes that they can go through with the pregnancy and can give birth to that child. it would show extraordinary strength of character. as indeed your mother showed. but i would also have huge respect for any woman, and i totally would understand this, who just felt they couldn't do it. that just they could not go through with bearing a rapist's baby. and that's why in the end doesn't it have to come down to individual choice? why should that woman who feels that strongly the other way to you not have the same right that you did? >> you know, i may not look the same as i did when i was 4 years old or 4 weeks old unborn in my mother's womb. but that was still undeniably me. and i would have been killed. my life would have been ended. i am very sorry, gloria, for the loss of your son or your daughter. you may not think their life matters. but that matters to me. i am very sorry for the loss to
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our world for generations now who have been aborted. and i was targeted for abortion. that was my near death experience. and the fact that i was younger doesn't make it any less real or any less significant than someone who wakes up out of a coma to find out that they were almost killed in an automobile accident. >> by the way, there are many people in comas who get raped. there are people in -- >> gloria, i'm a woman -- >> rebecca, let me just -- i see that -- >> i'm talking, you can wait till we're done. >> -- can i just -- >> i know you like to bully people, give me a chance to finish -- you have interrupted me three times now. >> rebecca, if i can just calm things down. she's actually try to respond to an earlier point you made. have your say now, rebecca, what you want to say. >> okay. i'm a woman. you talk about how much you care about women. what good is my right to anything as a woman if i don't have my right to life?
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>> well, let me just tell you, there are -- you brought up people in a coma. i've dealt with cases, of women who have been in a coma who have been raped. you talk about young people. there are many teenagers who are raped. sometimes it's a date rape. sometimes an acquaintance rape. sometimes it's a forcible rape. sometimes it's not a forcible rape but it is a rape. you know what, they need to have the right to choose too. a rapist takes away the control from a woman by raping a woman. she at least should have the control of her life decisions after that. >> okay. listen, i respect both of your views hugely. i appreciate you coming on, being so candid . you've both been through extraordinary experiences. for now, thank you both very much. next, intensely personal to the political. t smart about your we. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes.
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tonight, congressman todd akin defied mitt romney and refused to pull out of his race against senator claire mccaskill. is this a black eye for the romney/ryan ticket? joining me, florida congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. you're probably rubbing your hands with glee. mr. akin is going nowhere. demanding that he stand aside. >> well, that decion on
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whether or not to stay in the race for the united states senate in missouri is todd akin's. i would say that the sentiment i'm feeling really tonight as a woman is incredible disappointment. disappointment in the fact that todd akin on sunday actually suggested that there was something called legitimate rape. and that bio logically somehow victims of legitimate rape were able to block pregnancy. which is absolutely ludicrous. but then you've saw dozens of republicans rushing to condemn those comments. and, piers, those condemnations, they ring pretty hollow. when so many of them, including paul ryan who was mitt romney's choice to run for vice president, over 200 republicans co-sponsored the policy that reflects todd akin's sentiment. when they co-sponsored hr-3 last year that would have changed in the law the definition of rape
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to only mean forcible rape. so forgive me if i'm less than -- i have not much belief in their protestations about todd akin's sentiment. when mitt romney, paul ryan and dozens and dozens of their republican colleagues have embraceled thdiment by co-sponsoring legislation that would do just that in the law. >> let me jump in. >> no problem. >> a lot say this isidiculous t. but wh most people are saying is that president obama rushing out to talk unannounced to the media, jumping on this issue, is because he was worried about the way the debate was going over the economy. that mitt romney's pick of paul ryan was actually doing quite well for them. and that this is a great way to get it all back to conservative social issues where mitt romney's more vulnerable. >> i wouldn't say that mitt
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romney and paul ryan had a very good week. they started the week having to defend themselves on their plan to end medicare as we know it. to shred the health care safety net for seniors, turn it into a voucher program it instead of talking about be jos and the economy which is the number one issue on voter's minds right now, they've been forced to talk about and defend their really terrible policy on medicare which would turn medicare into a voucher program, and increase health care costs for seniors by $6,400. and then at the end of the week, they had to defend paul ryan's hypocrisy on the stimulus, where he voted against it, but then really got caught not being truthful about the fact that he'd asked for stimulus funds for projects in his district in which he said the reason he thought they should be funded is because they created jobs. all while saying he owe potio d opposed the stimulus plan because it did nothing. they had a tough week. week two is sa little bit even
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more tough because it's been clear that the republican party led by mitt romney after today they issued their republican party platform that will be adopted at the convention next week. fully embraces a human life amendment to the constitution with no exception for rape, incest or the life of the mother. and so we've got a sentiment expressioned by a republican member of congress. we've got legislation co-sponsored and embraced by the romney/ryan ticket that would actually put that sentiment into statute. and now we have a republican party platform that was designed by mitt romney, that says that there is no -- there should be no exception for a woman when she wants to terminate a pregnancy. >> listen, you've made your point. let me go now to republican margaret hoover who is a cnn republican contributor. let me ask you, margaret what is your reaction? clearly, whichever way you dress that up, it's pretty embarra embarrassing for mitt romney.
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he has tried to make this guy stand down. he's just said no, i'm going to carry on. even if it means they lose this crucial senate seat. could make all the difference. this guy won't go anywhere. where does that show that mitt romney's authority, his leadership? the guy doesn't want to listen to him. >> well, mitt romney will become officially the leader of the republican party when he accepts the nomination next week in tampa. he did at first have more timid language about whether akin should stand down and then took on very firm language. by the way, it's not just mitt romney that representative akin ignored. he ignored john corrigan, the head of the senatorial committee. he ignored every republican leader who made explicit and private pleas with him to step down. i don't know if it's a reflection on mitt romney as much as a reflection on representative akin and his own sensibilities and, frankly are s stubbornness at staying in the
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race. he's going to have a much tougher race now. but let's keep in mind, he still might win. claire mccaskill was down 11 percentage points and is not expected to win under any circumstances. regardless of who had won that republican primary. again, it's not good for the republicans because democrats do want to continue talking about the war on women. and they are getting traction ther although not -- they weren't winning entirely either. remember, the numbers started to change for them when ann romney came out and said she's a woman, she worked her whole life. as soon as she got involved in the debate, the numbers started to tick down for democrats on the war on women. so i understand that congresswoman wasserman schultz wants to say she's offended as a woman. look, i'm a pro-choice republican. i'm not thrilled about this platform committee either. i've been working on this. a lot of pro-choice republicans have been working on this in term, of the infrastructure of our party for many, many years and will continue to do that. we know this doesn't reflect the majority of republican's view.
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we know that 67% of republicans don't approve of this language in the platform. and this is something that the republicans have to work out in terms of their own party establishment. >> i mean, the big problem for mitt romney is that he will be desperate to get this back to the economy where he was beginning to score some points against president obama. of course the democrats will be equally desperate to continue this debate and agenda on social issues like the inflammatory issue on abortion. in todd akin, they now have, if he stays in this race, as seems to be the case, they've got the perfect reason to keep it right up there as an election issue. >> well, you're precisely right. that's why they're calling it the akin platform. yes, that's the deal. the truth is, the americans are voting on the economy this time around. to be fair, piers, as we talk about this issue, abortion, and the electorate, neither side perfectly embodies the democrats, nor the republican
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platform, embodies the sentiment of the republic. they believe the decision to have an abortion is between a woman, her family, her doctor and her god, not the government. plann planned .hood, by the way, is refusing to stand up for republicans who have very favorable records voting for abortion. >> no, extraordinary to me the gop would still want to have a platform that says you're completely impack ably opposed to abortion. you know, even if you're opposed to abortion. it seems to -- so, anyway, the debate will continue. when we come back, we will have
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more from "new york times" thomas friedman on congressman akin and the biggest problems facing america. [ male announcer ] let's say you need to take care of legal matters. wouldn't it be nice if there was an easier, lesexpensive option than using a traditional lawyer? well, legalzoom came up with a better way. we took the best of the old and combined it with modern technology. together you get quality services on your terms, with total customer support. legalzoom documents have been accepted in all 50 states, and they're backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. so go to today and see for yourself. it's law that just makes sense.
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we have this funny idea, mitt and i, that if you encourage success, you get more of it. it's a good thing. if you demonize success, if you resent success, you get less success and less prosperity, less jobs, less take-home pay. >> that's republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan. try to keep the focus be at economy while in pennsylvania today. he's the co-author of that used to be us, how america fell behind in the world and how we can come back. well ducome back to this show. your whole reaction to this todd akin fiasco? what do you make of it? >> well, obviously, what he said is despicable and outrageous and it's good at least to see his
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own party trying to backi ibani from the race. the fact that he is not dropping out. the fact that he co-sponsored legislation, you know, related to this issue with congressman ryan. i think is going to be a real ball and chain for the romney/ryan ticket with women and men in this country. so i think it's something that's clear they're trying to get him out of the race because that will defuse it for the moment. but if they can't, it looks like he won't leave, it's going to be i think a real problem for them with women in particular. but with men as well. >> but that is a big problem. if it's with women. because women are going to be one of the main battlegrounds of this election. president obama has a better percentage of women in america who like him over mitt romney. this is not going to close that gap. this is going to probably widen it. the more that he can get the agenda on to social conservative
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issues like this. then i would imagine the more he thinks he will increase and wide be the gap for the female vote. >> you know, i think it's all exactly right, piers. i would simply add that if we're going to have an election campaign about abortion, we're not going to have election campaign about education, infrastructure, immigration, debt, deficit and entitlement. and what it's going to mean is that when this campaign is over, with us teeter on the edge of a fiscal cliff, the foundations, the mandate really to forge any kind of compromise isn't going to be there. so it has implications i think for the country over and above the abortion issue itself is serious but we have other issues we have to face as well. >> let's turn to these other issues. it's a provocative book but a very important one and a very timely one. what is the core of the problem for america incorporated when you look at it, do you think?
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>> you know, piers, what we've really argued in this book is we didn't get here by accident. we actually had a formula for success that really goes back to our founding fathers and every great president has really nurtured and enhanced this formula. educate our people up to and beyond whatever our technology was so they could get the most out of it. have the world's best infrastructure. so commerce can really flow. third have the most open immigration policy so we can attract the world's most energetic immigrants and most intellectually talented ones to start 40% of the fortune 500 companies, first or second generation immigrants. we have the best rules and regulations to incentivize risk-taking. push out the boundaries of science and technology, chemistry and biology. to really give our venture capitalists the chance to start
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new companies. that was our formula for success. and if you look where we are today, one reason we are where we are today is 'cause we've gotten away from that formula. and those pillars. they're all in some degree or another in need of real repair. we're going to have to get back to that. that's the only way we get out of this recession. we can argue about all these other issues, these social issues till the cows come home. that's why our book, it has a backward looking title. that used to be us. but a forward looking theme. because the whole argument is we did this before. we didn't get here by accident. we don't need a copy of china or brazil or india. the history books we need to read are our own. the country we need to really study is america. >> i mean, i suppose the key question in all this is with a country that's 16, $17 trillion in debt, how is it going to finance the kind of plans that you're talking about to get itself back on track?
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i mean, what -- when you look at the ryan budget plan, romney's amendment of that. you look at what president obama is saying. what do you think is the most sensible way forward for america to finance all this? >> you know, there's no question to me that we have to agree on one thing, that the only way to deal with the budget deficit that big is both with tax revenue and spend cuts. and if we try to approach this problem by saying we're going to do it all in the back of taxes or we're going to do it all on the back of spending, simply not going to get a deal and we shouldn't get a deal. now, president obama has put forward a proposal to deal with the problem with taxes and spending. i've argued i think his proposal is insufficient. but at least he's there in theory. right now the romney/ryan budget says we're going to do all this with spending cuts. ryan and romney could win this election. the house, the senate, the supreme court, you know, and the
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best chili shop in washington, d.c. i don't care what they win. there's no way the congress and the country is going to do all of this on the back of spending cuts. you'll have nothing left to run the country with. >> almost certainly food for thought there, tom. i want to talk about syria, iran and israel. because it's not just the economic battleground in america that's important right now. it's also america's place in the wider world. down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through.
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we're now just getting around. tough sanctions on iran should have been done ages ago. by the way, when ahmadinejad said last week about israel, i won't even repeat it, the awful offensive obnoxious things he said about israel should lead to him being indicted under the genocide convention. >> mitt romney on monday taking a jab at president obama over his iran policy. is the romney ticket up to speed
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on foreign policy? when you hear romney talking tough on iran, also got the syria situation bubbling away as well, do you think that the romney/ryan ticket has enough foreign policy experience to know what to do about these two crises? >> think they have an incredibly weak foreign policy biography between the two of them and a rather weak team, frankly. to hear romney criticizing president obama for just getting around to sanctions. wait a minute, there were eight years of the bush administration where we, you know, dilly dalied around to getting around to serious crippling sanctions. romney talks like the bush administration never happened. you know, both in time and in some of the decisions it took. so it's really ludicrous. you can criticize obama on a million things. on iran, i think he's done actually quite a good job, finally, of getting around to something that wasn't done in the previous eight years and that putting in some really
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tough pinching sanctions on the iranians. >> if you're israel right now and they've been increasingly concerned about iran now for quite a few months, when you hear what ahmadinejad actually said about israel, that would really concern me, if i was netanyahu or the other leaders in israel. why shouldn't they try and take some kind of preemptive action now, if that rhetoric is going to actually be born out by some form of action from iran and why shouldn't they assume it will be coming their way? >> i think netanyahu's concerns about iran are not imagined. they are very real. they should be taken seriously. i think the question that israelis have to ask is, a, would it work, technologically can they take out these iranian nuclear facilities. what happens, what will be the iranian reaction in terms of retaliation?
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will this be a one-day thing? will it drag on for months? clot close israel's airport? kill israeli civilians and palestinians who also live there will be caught up in this. and what will be the impact on the global economy? what will the european reaction be? on the question of should israel be concerned, absolutely. i think it's a really difficult decision. if iran goes nuclear, you can bet it won't be long before states around it like saudi arabia, egypt, turkey, will certainly think about, if not acquire, a nuclear weapon. you'll see the end to -- possibly an end to the global nuclear proliferation regime. in other words, we will live in a much more dangerous world. even though we, the united states, i, living in washington, d.c., may not immediately be under the threat of an iranian nuclear weapon. >> and in syria, we heard president obama yesterday saying if there's evidence of assad
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using chemical, biological weapons, he would definitely intervene. the problem is there's this horrific humanitarian crisis unfolding there. isn't it time that somebody did something? >> the problem about syria is unlike the other arab awakening revolutions -- you know, libya imploded. egypt imploded. bahrain imploded. syria explodes. it goes out. because all the minority and majority factions in syria are connected. in lebanon, in turkey, in jordan, in iraq, the same way. that's what we're seeing. we're seeing this spread to lebanon. here's the problem. we have to look at this i think honestly and soberly. and the fact is this, there's only one way to stop fighting there. i don't think it's a humanitarian zone, no-fly zone. you have to occupy the country. you have to do what the united states did in iraq. take it over. kill the bad guys. basically suppress the extremists in all communities. you've got to knock heads together. force them to write a new social
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contract. how to live together. not under an iron fist as they've been living. but actually with communities who recognize, you know, democratic government and are willing to accept and protect minority as well as majority rights. and because, deep down, i think all the leaders in the world know that, that if you touch it, you own it, all right, nobody wants to touch it. and so we've got this terrible situation where not only is the killing getting -- the velocity of the killing increasing every day but it's now spreading. either it's going to have to be an international force that goes in there or it will have to continue. you've got the russians and the chinese saying, you know, don't you dare. >> yep, it's deeply worrying. thomas friedman, it's a lirivetg book. it's called "that used to be us, how america fell behind in the world it invented and how it can come back." i commend it as a great read to everyone. thank you. >> thanks, piers, thanks for
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we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. as christians, probably that's an area that we fail in a lot, is we don't just love on people. 'cause that's -- changes people's hearts. and so i try to remember that all the time. it's like when somebody's being surly or nasty.
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instead of getting angry back, i'm like, oh, dude, man, somebody messed you up. i'm just going to love on you a little bit. i think if we all just did that, it would be a different world that we lived in. >> comedian jeff folks xworthfo. a multiple grammy award nominee and best selling author. the american bible challenge. on the game show network. jeff joins me now. welcome. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> i'm well. yourself? >> here's the thing, i'm a christian, you're a christian. but i spent the last 18 months at cnn because of the republican race to be nominee primarily dealing with a lot of issues where the christian element of the republican party get a good kicking. because either they said something silly or inflammatory or whatever it may be. as a christian in america, a high-profile one, how do you feel about that? do you feel that being christian has become almost a bad word in a country that's still
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predominantly christian? >> we have a branding problem probably. and some of that is we've probably brought on ourselves, you know. it's like with this new show, when obviously based success of "are you smarter than a fifth grader," gsn comes to me and says what would you feel about doing something similar but a bible show. immediately i step back and i don't know if you can do this. i said to my wife if anybody beats me up, it won't be the secular world. it will be a christian group because somewhere along the line we've lost the joy. we get back to the legalistic thing on performance and really the message of christianity is it's not based on your goodness, it's not based on my goodness, it's based on the mercy of a loving god. >> part of the problem that
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seems to me is when i've had real die hard christians on the show, kirk cameron is the best example. he's probably not a bad guy, and he has his believes. but it was he talked about homosexuity, the way he talked about it as it was the end of the world as we know it, et cetera, et cetera. it's that what grates with people, it's the language employed by some christians which are just inflammatory. >> i understand that. and if you look at the life of jesus, the people that you would have thought would have run the other way, the gamblers, the prostitutes, those were the people who were attracted to. because he had an ability to just love all people. so i think any time you're excluding anybody, that's not the message of jesus.
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>> how literally should people take the bible, and should the bible be an evolutionary thing, rather like the constitution was amended a few times. >> piers, that's not for me to say. those things are too deep for me. it's even having a show like this, i'm an idiot, and you want me to take this show off of not on a christian network, but on a main dpts stream network. >> you've actually stumped a bit for mitt romney. >> this country made an emotional decision in 2008. we went for the guy that made great speeches and when we found out when he got in office he made great speeches and he had no idea how to run a country. i called mitt romney and said i want to ask you something, i'm putting my family on the line here. can you fix this? and he never hesitated and he said yes, i can. >> obviously he's the man now charging towards the white
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house, hoping to get there in november. has he lived up to the expectation, hopes that you had? >> well, here's the -- i mean, i always avoided politics, especially as a comeed yang because you're alienating half the thing. in 2007, one of the things that president obama ran on was cutting the deficit of our country in half. and if you sit there and study what's going on in greece and what's happening in spain and italy, as a comedian you take things to the simplest level. you cannot spent more money than you're bringing in. that alarms me. i think about the world that my kids are going to ha. so i think the business of being president, it's exactly that. it's running one of the biggest businesses of the world. that's what the government of the united states is. i don't think we're running it well right now. we have thre years without a budget. you wouldn't run a company like that. i think this whole election is
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down to just that. >> for you, romney is the more likely of the candidates? >> he's a successful businessman. it's kind of weird in this country, people he should be made to feel to be ashamed because he's been successful in business. i think he's a businessman and you look at the job situation, it's bad. you look at the debt situation, it's bad. and i think this bus is heading towards a cliff unless somebody stands up and does something, we're all going to regret this. >> "the american bible challenge" premiers this week. >> the cool thing about it, nobody plays for themselves. they give all the money to somebody else. >> nice to meet you. turns out to be very bad luck to some gamblers. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year.
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tonight's only in america, a wise man once said you've got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. to that advise, i might add you've got to know when to shuffle the deck. the golden nugget casino in
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atlantic city failed to play that. all of this could have avoided this if they remembered. >> the house always wins. you play long enough, you never change the stakes, the house takes you. >> the trouble is, the house didn't win. the trouble began in april when something strange happened. the players noticed that the same sequence of cards was being dealt over and over again. in fact 41 consecutive times. their bets got bigger and bigger. 14 gamblers won a total of $1.5 million who were surrounded by security guards who couldn't work out what had gone wrong. nine players cashed in but the casino refused to pay out the rest and went on to sue the gamblers claiming the game was illegal because, wait for it, because the cards were unshuffled. this